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Wildfire Risk Reduction
British Columbia has invested significantly in mitigating the impact of wildfire on communities and critical infrastructure by reducing their risk. The Crown Land Wildfire Risk Reduction (WRR) program is being administered through the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNRORD). Mountain Resorts Branch (MRB), the provincial regulatory agency for ski areas in BC, is collaborating with BC Wildfire Service (BCWS) under this program for a variety of projects to protect mountain resort communities, critical infrastructure and provincial assets on Crown Land.
Wetzin'kwa Community Forest Corporation is proud to partner with Hudson Bay Mountain Resort and the above listed government organizations to create a shaded fuel break along the Hudson Bay Mountain road. This outreach video was created to explain the purpose and background of the WRR project, while showing aerial and ground footage from the newly created fuel break zone.
Wetzin’kwa Community Grant Program
The Community Grant Program was established to distribute profits from the operation of the Wetzin’kwa Community Forest tenure back into the community. The program’s objective is to provide support for a broad range of projects and initiatives that will return the greatest long-term benefit to Bulkley Valley residents.
Wetzin’kwa Grant Program video spot
Plantation Timelapses
We spied on some nearby Wetzin’kwa plantations with timelapse cameras from snowmelt to early summer. Watch as the leaders and needles grow! (…and you may also notice, the nearby dead and downed trees are dancing as if they were alive!)