About Wetzin’kwa
Organizational Structure
The governance of Wetzin'kwa is provided through a seven-person volunteer board: three permanent board positions and four directors at large (nominated from the community for three-year terms). Permanent positions include representatives from the Town of Smithers, the Village of Telkwa and the Office of the Wet’suwet’en.
Board of Directors
Gary Hanson
Lindsay Lange
David de Wit
Colin MacLeod
Kira Westby
Jennifer Moyle
Wallace Bergen
Day-to-day operations and woodlands management is completed by Silvicon Services Inc., a forestry consultant firm based out of Smithers.
Forest Management Team
Sam Coggins, RPF
General Manager
Silvicon Services Inc.
Natasha Lebiadowski, TFT
Project Manager - Operations
Silvicon Services Inc.
Kate Metanczuk, FIT
Enhanced Stewardship Coordinator
Silvicon Services Inc.
Ariel Collins
Administrative Assistant
Silvicon Services Inc.