Two-Eyed Seeing: Colouring Contest
Help us Celebrate National Forestry Week (Sept 22-28th) With a colouring contest for ages 7-12.
Prizes for the top 3 submissions!
Contest Ends Oct 11th
CRAFT: Decision Cube
Too many fun outdoor activities to decide what to do? Make your own “Outdoor Fun Decision Cube” to help choose between your favourites!
Tools/materials required: printer, 8.5 x 11” paper and card stock (or light cardboard), pencil crayons or markers, scissors, glue or tape, adult (or big kid) supervision
ACTIVITY: Word Search
Can you find and circle all these forest-themed words?
Tools/materials required: printer, 8.5 x 11” paper
ACTIVITY: Colouring
Colour our fun Wetzin’kwa drawings using pencil crayons or markers!
Tools/materials required: printer, 8.5 x 11” paper, pencil crayons, markers, or wax crayons
Mail us!
We LOVE getting mail at Wetzin’kwa! Send us a letter to share a bit about yourself and why you love the forest (or anything else about the outdoors), or a drawing of anything you can see or do in the community forest. Don’t forget to include your return address - we’ll mail you a sticker and a magnet!
Mail to:
Wetzin’kwa Community Forest Corporation
PO Box 565
Smithers, BC
V0J 2N0
Attn: General Manager