Robin Hood Award 2022
This year, the Wetzin’kwa Community Forest was the recipient of the Robin Hood Award, along with a $10,000 grant, presented by the Honorable Katrine Conroy, Minister of Forests. This award is given annually to the community forest that best exemplifies the spirit of the late Robin Hood, a pioneer of community forests in BC. Wetzin’kwa Community Forest was chosen for this award in 2022 for exemplifying community leadership and innovation. Receiving this award was made possible with the input of its dedicated volunteers and community members.
Wetzink’wa community forest
earns provincial award for 2022

WCFC’s Volunteers
WCFC’s Volunteers truly represent the spirit of the late Robin Hood.
Over the past 15 years, WCFC Board has committed countless hours of volunteer time and energy into making sure that the community forest can provide the most benefits to the communities that it supports.
Thank you so much to all of our wonderful, hard working and dedicated volunteers, past and present, who have allotted countless hours into making Wetzin’kwa into the Community Forest that it is today.
WCFC was chosen for the award
due to its:
long-term vision for the forest resource;
strong collaborative relationship with the Office of the Wet’suwet’en;
enhanced forest stewardship program by investing profits to benefit the land;
local community contributions of more than $3 million to local community groups and direct stakeholders;
strong wildfire risk-reduction program by working closely with the Forest Enhancement Society of BC and the BC Wildfire Service;
strong community educational programs and annual training for locals in wildland fire response;
aggressive reforestation program;
strong investments in lidar remote-sensing technology and forest inventory as essential tools for climate adaption practices; and
creating local employment opportunities while prioritizing First Nations employment.

WCFC would like to thank the BCCFA for their continued guidance and support of community forests and for providing effective communication with the crown at the provincial level.
WCFC would also like to thank the Ministry of Forest and the Honourable Katrine Conroy for the recognition of our community forest with this award.