The Wetzin’kwa Community Forest’s Enhanced Stewardship Program was created to reinvest profits from operations back into the community in ways that are both tangible and meaningful to Bulkley Valley residents. The implementation of each Enhanced Stewardship project reinforces our stewardship values in ecology, culture, community and recreation.
Enhanced Stewardship
We are committed to sustaining a healthy and resilient forest for future generations. Our ecological projects aim to promote environmental conservation through initiatives such as environmental monitoring and research, habitat enhancement and land rehabilitation.
Recent projects have included:
◦ Installation of 10 bat boxes with input from local biologists
◦ Huckleberry Planting to support Wet’suwet’en culturally important plants
◦ Predictive Ecosystem Mapping data collection to understand ecological features on the landscape and support future projects
The Wetzin’kwa Community Forest Corporation Tenure is located on the Yintah (traditional territory) of the Wet’suwet’en, Laksilyu Clan, Kwen Beegh Yex House and Tsee K’al Bai Yex House, and Gitdumden Clan, Cassyex House, as well as a small portion of Gitxan territory. The Enhanced Stewardship program consults and collaborates with clan members to ensure that the protection of Wet’suwet’en values within Wetzin’kwa’s tenure is prioritized throughout every enhanced stewardship project. These projects are created to protect and conserve cultural heritage sites, features and values.
Recent projects have included:
◦ Collaboration with Wet’su’wet’en on Huckleberry Planting Project
◦ Collaboration with Wet’su’wet’en on Silvern Gathering Area Rehabilitation
Community is at the heart of our work – We reinvest profits back into the local community while also providing opportunity for educational programming, community engagement and the promotion of safety. Our initiatives aim to foster connection, inspire learning, and support Bulkley Valley residents.
Recent projects have included:
◦ Wildfire Risk Reduction work aimed at protecting community infrastructure and improving the residual stand.
◦ National Forest Week activities including educational school visits and our annual Golden Token Hunt.
◦ The installation of a Wetzin’kwa Welcome Sign with the help of Wetsu’we’ten artists and local contractors
The Enhanced Stewardship program aims to enhance and improve recreational opportunities within the community forest. We work with local stakeholders on projects that contribute to site enhancements such as accessibility upgrades, recreation infrastructure and interpretive signage.
Recent projects have included:
◦ Accessibility upgrades at Twin Falls recreational site including installation of infrastructure, trail re-surfacing and signage.
◦ Boardwalk upgrades within the Nature Trail at the Bulkley Valley Nordic Centre.
◦ Installation of an outhouse at the Silvern Gathering area for public use.