
Golden Tokens 2024
The hunt begins at 9:00AM on Sunday, September 22nd and hunters have a week to find all five tokens and send us a photo with it. Token hunters will be entered into a draw with over $ 1000 in prizes from local merchants! Read more on the Golden Token page.

WCFC Annual General Meeting
WCFC has its Annual General Meeting on November 23rd, 2023.

Recheduled: Wetzin’kwa Community Forest Grant Day 2023 & Open House
The Wetzin’kwa Community Forest Corporation (WCFC)’s Board of Directors would like to extend an invitation to the Wetzin'kwa Community Forest Grant Day 2023 & Open House!

Wetzin'kwa Community Forest Grant Day & Open House BBQ
This is a fifteenth year when secular, not-for-profit organizations, and registered charities residing within the Bulkley Valley are eligible to apply for grants through the Community Grant Program, and grant recipients come to pick up their cheques and sign contracts at a public event hosted in Smithers, BC.

FREE Public course offering: S100 - Basic Wildfire Suppression
Free public course offering to increase availability of trained wildland firefighting personnel in the local Community.

2021/22 Wetzin’kwa AGM
You are cordially invited to Wetzin’kwa Community Forest Corporation’s
Annual General Meeting; Thursday, November 17th, 2022
The Village of Telkwa Chambers – 1415 Hankin Ave from 12:00-2:00pm
Lunch will be provided.
This meeting can also be attended via Zoom
If you would like to attend via Zoom please RSVP by Friday, November 11th, 2022

Hunt for the Golden Tokens
Wetzin’kwa Community Forest Corporation has misplaced five golden tokens somewhere within the Community Forest! We have asked for the help of some of our forest creature friends (the moose, the bear and the wise old owl) to send us some clues as to where they may be and we are expecting to hear back from them very shortly! Check the Golden Token page out on the Wetzin’kwa website for more information!

FREE Public course offering: S100 - Basic Wildfire Suppression
Registration opens May 31st, 2022 at 9:00AM PST (first come, first served).
Click here to view the event and register.
Wetzin’kwa is proud to partner with Hyland Backcountry to provide a public S100 Basic Wildfire Suppression course - free for members of the local community!
The most common fire training course in B.C. is the S-100, which is considered as basic fire suppression training for contract crews. The S-100 is required to meet the training requirements under Section 26.3.1 Forestry Operation Fire Fighting of B.C.’s Occupational Health and Safety Regulation. The intended audience for this course is forest industry workers and contract fire fighters.
The S-100 is a two-day, 16-hour course with both a classroom and a field component.

2020/19 AGM
This year, due to COVID-19, the AGM will be conducted online via Zoom. Please RSVP by Friday November 20th, 2020 to Only those who RSVP will receive a link to join the meeting.
For more information, please contact:
Jay Baker, RFT, General Manager
Wetzinkwa Community Forest Corporation
250-847-3680 / Email: