Grant Program
Past Results
2024 Grant Results
In 2024 $328, 877.18 was distributed amongst the following successful applicants:
Back Country Horseman Society of BC- NW Chapter, Bulkley Backcountry Ski Society, BV Agricultural & Industrial Assoc., BV Bowmen Assoc., BV Centre for natural Resources, Research and Monitoring(BVRC), BV Cross Country Ski Club, BV Folk Music Society, BV Hospice Society, BV Otters Swim Club, Coast Mountain College, Driftwood School Restoration Committee, Farmfolk Cityfolk Society, Groundbreakers Agriculture Assoc., Kyah Wiget Education Society, Lake Kathlyn Protection Society, Northern Society for Domestic Peace(POP Program), Positive Living North: No kheyoh t'sih'en t'sehena Society, The Proton Foundation, Quick Station Residents Assoc., Royal Canadian Legion-Smithers Branch, Semour Lake Conservation Society, Smithers Community Radio Society, Smithers Community Services Assoc., Smithers Curling Club, Smithers Gallery Assoc. Smithers Golf & Country Club, Smithers Multicultural Society, Smithers Pride Society, Smithers Rodeo Club, Smithers Ringette Assoc., Smithers Run Club, Smithers Snowmobile Club, Smithers Ski & Snowboard Club, Smithers Volunteer Fire Fighter Assoc.(SVFFA), Telkwa Initiatives Society, Telkwa Museum Society, Treehouse Housing Assoc., Valley Youth Fiddlers, Woodmere Emergency Services Society
2023 Grant Results
In 2023 $350,813.41 was distributed amongst the following successful applicants:
1st Smithers Group - Scouts Canada, Back Country Horsemen of BC Northwest Chapter, Bulkley Backcountry Ski Society, BV Agricultural and Industrial Association (BVAIA), Bulkley Valley Bowmen Association, Bulkley Valley Racquet Sports Society, Bulkley Valley Research Centre (BVRC), Bulkley Valley Search and Rescue, Bulkley Valley Tool Library Society, BV Folk Music Society, BV Hospice Society, BV Otters Swim Club,
BV Pool, Canadian Ski Patrol - Smithers Zone, Culturally Modified, Cycle 16 Trail Society, Driftwood School Restoration Committee- (DSRC),
Dze L K'ant Friendship Centre, First Responders Café Society, Friends of the Smithers Library, Goodacre Place (SCSA), Groundbreakers Agriculture Association, Lake Kathlyn Protection Society, Muheim Elementary School Outdoor Ed. Program, Myriad Dance Projects Society (MDP), Northern Brain Injury Association, Northern Edge Sport Association, Royal Canadian Legion Br63 Smithers, SD54 -Muheim Elementary School , Silvern Trail Society, Smithers Beekeeping Club, Smithers Community Services Association, Smithers Golf Club, Smithers Mountain Bike Association, Smithers Snowmobile Association, Smithers Volunteer Firefighter Association (SVFFA), St Joseph's School, Telkwa & District Seniors Society, Telkwa Reading Centre Society, Telkwa Volunteer Firefighter's Association (TVFA) ,Treehouse Housing Association, Valley Youth Fiddlers.
2022 Grant Results
In 2022 $356,042.98 was distributed amongst the following successful applicants:
1st Smithers Group - Scouts Canada, Backcountry Horsemen of BC Northwest Chapter, Bulkley Drive Housing Society, Bulkley Valley Agricultural And Industrial association, Bulkley Valley Centre for Natural Resources, Research & Management, Bulkley Valley Community Arts Council, Bulkley Valley Hospice Society, Bulkley Valley Kinsmen Club, Bulkley Valley Museum, Bulkley Valley Otters Swim Club, BV Folk Music Society, Cycle 16 Trail Society, Friends of the Smithers Library, Groundbreakers Agriculture Association, Kyah Wiget Education Society - iCount School, Northern Roots Community Garden Society, Northwest Animal Shelter Society, Office of the Wet’suewet’en, School District No. 54, Skeena Knowledge Trust, Smithers Climate Action, Smithers Community Services Association, Smithers Gallery Association, Smithers Golf and Country Club, Smithers Multicultural Society, Smithers Ski and Snowboard Club, Smithers Volunteer Firefighters Association, Telkwa Community Church, Telkwa Seniors Housing Society, Telkwa Volunteer Fire Fighter’s Association, The Grendel Group, The Telkwa Museum Society, Tourism Smithers Society, Treehouse housing Association, Tyee Mountain Trail Society, Valley Youth Fiddlers, Walnut Park Parent Advisory Council, Witsuwit’en Language & Culture Society.
2021 Grant Results
In 2021 $302,130.04 was distributed amongst the following successful applicants:
Back Country Horsemen, Evelyn 4-H Club, BV Collaborative Learning Society, Friends of the Smithers Library, BV Cross Country Ski Club, Groundbreakers Agriculture Assoc., BV Foster Parent Assoc., Kyah Wiget Education, Society, BV Gymnastics Assoc., Northern Society for Domestic Peace, BV Hospice Society, Northwest Animal Shelter, BV Museum, Round Lake Community Assoc., BV Otter's Swim Club, Royal Canadian Legion_BR63, BV Recreation Society, Seymour Lake Conservation Society, BV Research Centre, Smithers Curling Club, BV Tool Library, Smithers Mountain Bike Assoc., BVAIA/BV Exhibition, Smithers Multicultural Society, Canadian Ski Patrol (Smithers Zone), Central Park Building Society, CICK Smithers Community Radio Station, Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre, Smithers Volunteer Firefighters Assoc., Telkwa Seniors Housing Society, Treehouse Housing Assoc., Valley Youth Fiddlers
2020 Grant Results
In 2020 $298,133.83 was distributed amongst the following successful applicants:
BV Aquatic Centre Management Society, Seymour Lake Conservation Society, BV Community Arts Council, Silvern Trail Society, BV Cross Country Ski Club, Skeena Knowledge Trust, BV Exhibition, Smithers Figure Skating Club, BV Gymnastics Assoc., Smithers Francophone School Parents Assoc., BV Hospice Society, Smithers Mountain Bike Assoc., BV Museum, Smithers Skate Park Society, BV Otter's Swim Club, Smithers Ski & Snowboard Club, Dze L K'ant Friendship Centre, Smithers Snowmobile Assoc., Friends of the Smithers Library, Smithers Volunteer Firefighters Assoc., Groundbreakers Agriculture Assoc., Spirit North, Kyah Wiget Education Society, Telkwa Museum, Round Lake Community Assoc., Treehouse Housing Assoc.
2019 Grant Results
In 2019 $293,467.52 was distributed amongst the following successful applicants:
Lake Kathlyn Protection Society, Festival of Voices, BV Research Centre, Smithers Ski and Snowboard Club, Smithers Mountain Bike Assoc, Northwest Institute, Bulkley Valley Hospice Society, Smithers Chamber of Commerce, Valley Youth Fiddlers, Friends of the Smithers Public Library, BV Agricultural & Industrial Assoc, Skeena Knowledge Trust, Telkwa Community Initiatives Society, Smithers Art Gallery, Smithers Community Services Assoc, Northwest Animal Shelter, Glenwood Hall Committee Assoc, BV Cross Country Ski Club, Bulkley Backcountry Ski Society, BV Folk Music Society, Groundbreakers Agriculture Assoc., Smithers Royal Canadian Legion, Quilters from the Heart, Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre Society, The Grendel Group, Round Lake Community Assoc., Canadian Ski Patrol – Smithers Zone, Rural Writers Collective, Northern Society for Domestic Peace, Driftwood School Restoration Committee, Smithers Community Band Society, Wet’suwet’en Treaty Office Society, Horses Touching Hearts Therapeutic Riding Assoc.
2018 Grant Results
In 2018 $256,723.09 was distributed amongst the following successful applicants:
BV Brain Injury Association, Witsuwit'en Culture & Language Society, Smithers Curling Club, Cycle 16 Trail Society, BV Museum, BV Cross Country Ski Club, Back Country Horsemen, Smithers Ski & Snowboard Club, BV Hospice Society, Smithers Chamber of Commerce, BV Rod & Gun Club, Wet'suwet'en Treaty Office Society, Valley Youth Fiddlers, BV Search & Rescue, Treehouse Housing Assoc., Smithers Art Gallery, Bulkley Back Country Ski Society, Friends of the Smithers Public Library, I-Count, Witset Elementary Secondary School, Smithers Community Radio, Witset First Nation, BV Kayak & Canoe Club, Smithers Golf & Country Club, BVLD Air shed Management Society, BV Classical Strings Society, Friends of the Smithers Public Library, BV Social Planning Society, Dik Tiy Housing Society, Seymour Lake Conservation Society.
2017 Grant Results
In 2017 $206,591.21 was distributed amongst the following successful applicants:
St. Josephs’ School,Moricetown Band,Smithers Senior Citizens Association,BV Brain Injury Assoc.,Northwest Animal Shelter Society,BV Community Foundation,Witsuwit’en Language & Culture Society,Glenwood Women’s Institute,Moricetown Elementary School,Smithers Minor Hockey Association,SD#54 – Aboriginal Education School,The Grendel Group,BV Soccer Society,Royal Canadian Legion - Branch 63,BV Research Centre,BV Youth Writers,Round Lake Community Association,Team Moricetown Boggers,Northern Root Community Garden,Valley Youth Fiddlers,Smithers Secondary School Rugby,Smithers & Area Recycling Society,Rural Writers Collective,Friends of the Smithers Library,Telkwa Christian Reformed Church,BV Child Development Centre,Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre Society,BV Historical & Museum Society,BV Community Resources Board,BV Cross Country Ski Club,Seymour Lake Conservation Society,BV Agricultural & Industrial Assoc,.
2016 Grant Results
In 2016 $159,763.99 was distruibuted amongst the following successful applicants:
Smithers Senior Citizens Association, BV Museum, BV Brain Injury Association, Smithers Community Services Association, BV Exhibition, BV Naturalists,Valley Youth Fiddlers, Moricetown Elementary School, BV Hospice Society, BV Research Centre, Central Park Building Society, Smithers Chamber Of Commerce, Smithers Community Radio, Pacific Northwest Regional Science Fair Committee, Treehouse Housing Association, Telkwa Museum Society, Smithers Art Gallery, Moricetown Mud Boggers, Critical Response Team, Smithers Diabetes Support Group, Royal Canadian Legion, Rural Writers, Witsuwit’en Language and Culture Authority, Positive Living North, St.Josephs School,Friends of the Smithers Library, Seymour Lake Conservation Society, Smithers Mountain Bike Association, BV Child Development Centre, BV Cross Country Ski Club
2015 Grant Results
In 2015, $152,061 was distributed amongst the following successful applicants:
Bulkley Valley Bowmen --- Bulkley Valley Historical & Museum Society --- Bulkley Valley Research Centre --- Smithers District Chamber of Commerce --- Moricetown Elders Society --- Moricetown Elementary --- Muhiem Parent Advisory Council --- Northern Society for Domestic Peace --- Smithers Community Services Association --- Smithers Action Group Association --- Telkwa Community Initiative Society --- Telkwa Museum Society --- Groundbreakers Agriculture Association --- St. Joseph's School --- Access Smithers --- Glenwood Hall Community Association --- School District #54 Kyah Wiget Education Society --- Royal Canadian Legion --- Bulkley Valley Search & Rescue --- BV Social Planning Society's Smithers Bridging Commitee --- Office of the Wet'suwet'en --- Smithers Community Radio Society --- BC Classical Strings Society --- Telkwa Community Initiatives Society --- Northwest Animal Shelter Society --- Friends of the Smithers Library --- BV Soccer Society --- Special Olympics of BC
2014 Grant Results
In 2014, $178,778 was distributed amongst the following successful applicants.
Northern Society for Domestic Peace, Critical Incident Response Team – Smithers, Smithers Community Services Association, Ground 2 Griddle Neighbourhood Kitchen - Cultivating Learning, Bulkley Valley Kinsmen, Telkwa BBQ Fencing, Smithers Mountain Bike Association, Smithers Bike Skills Park, Team Moricetown Boggers, Moricetown Mud Races, Bulkley Valley Health Care & Hospital Foundation, Start up costs, Telkwa Christian Reformed Church, Telkwa CRC Elevator Project, Office of the Wet'suwet'en, Wet'suwet'en Language & Culture Camp, Glenwood Hall Committee Association, Glenwood Hall Renovation Project, Groundbreakers Agriculture Association, Kids Dig Food Summer Camp and School Workshops, Bulkley Valley Gymnastics Association, Equipment Upgrade Project, Bulkley Valley Child Development Centre Society, BV CDC's Interactive Child and Family Play Groups, Smithers Snowmobile Association, New Snowcat Trail Groomer, Kyah Wiget Education Society, Learning Feast, Smithers Figure Skating Association, CanPower Start Up, Bulkley Valley Historical & Museum Society, multi-media projection system, Tourism Smithers, Steelhead Paradise Promotional Video, Smithers Golf & Country Club, Hole #2 cart/walking path bridge, Bulkley Valley Community Foundation, Communication Project, Smithers Central Park Building Society, Exterior Repair and Painting of the Central Park Building, Smithers District Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Centre, Lawnchair Lounge, Bulkley Valley Agricultural & Industrial Association DBA Bulkley Valley Exhibition, Sound Booth, Rural Writers Collective, Fifth Annual Rural Writers in Residence, Boarding for Brant, Smithers Skate Park Revitalization/Expansion, Friends of Smithers Public Library, Projector, Screen & Microphone/PA System, The Grendel Group, Grendel Group Bike Delivery Trailer & Furniture project, Telkwa Museum Society, Creating a Functional Space, Smithers Community Forest Society, Annual Trail Maintenance Budget, Bulkley Valley Research Centre, Whitebark Pine Restoration, BV Cross Country Ski Club, Skier Underpass.
2013 Grant Results
In 2013, $140,571 was distributed amongst the following successful applicants.
Wet’suwet’en Laksilyu Clan Members, Laksilyu territorial cabin at Dennis Lake; BV Centre for Natural Resources Research & Management, restoration of endangered whitebark pine; Telkwa Community Initiative Society, seasonal skate park for Telkwa; Bulkley Valley Brain Injury Association, Brains on Wheels; Smithers Ski Club, continue development of ski and boardercross track; Smithers Community Services Association, Ground 2 Griddle Neighbourhood Kitchen; Smithers Second Sheet of Ice Committee, Smithers New Arena; Smithers District Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Centre, “Lawnchair Lounge” Music on Main; BV Outdoor Recreation Society, ski trail improvements, Canyon Creek Ski Area; Special Olympics BC Society, Smithers Special Olympics Sport Program; Northwest Animal Shelter Society, animal shelter isolation and wash unit; Smithers Art Gallery, new website; Smithers Community Radio Society, CICK Community Integration; Bulkley Valley Economic Development Association, Smithers Co-Working Space; St. Joseph’s Elementary School, making school bike friendly; Office of the Wet’suwet’en, Wet’suwet’en Language & Culture Camp; Bulkley Valley Folk Music Society, Youth Guitar Camp; Team Moricetown Boggers, pit repairs and kids zone safety; Rural Writers Collective, 2013 Rural Writers in Residence; Smithers Central Park Building Society, new flooring; Bulkley Valley Agricultural & Industrial Association, Accessibility Project - People Movers; Positive Living North, Reflections of Hope: Images from our Community; Groundbreakers Agriculture Association, Princess Street garden and education programs for school-aged children; Smithers Community Services Association, 40 Trees for 40 Years; Bulkley Valley Canadian Parents for French, Muheim School, Carnaval, Tech Talk - Bulkley Valley Research Centre; Smithers Motocross Association, relocation of SMXA and reclamation of current Donaldson Road site; Bulkley Backcountry Ski Society, Hankin-Evelyn Backcountry Recreation Trails; Bulkley Valley Bowmen, storage facility.
2012 Grant Results
In 2012, $135,100 was distributed amongst the following successful applicants.
Recipients include Smithers & Area Recycling Society, BV Community Resource Board, The Grendel Group (Family Advocates), BV Gymnastics Association, Bulkley Valley Search and Rescue, Bulkley Valley Kinsmen Club, Smithers Centennial 2013, Downtown Entrance Committee, Smithers Community Services Association (SCSA), Northwest Community College, Office of the Wet'suwet'en, Bulkley Valley Hospice Society, Telkwa Museum Society, Bulkley Valley Child Development Centre (BVCDC) Society, BV Agricultural & Industrial Association, Smithers Art Gallery, Strong Start-Early Learning (SD54), Northern Society for Domestic Peace (NSDP), Moricetown Food Bank Society, Bulkley Valley Canadian Parents for French - Muheim School, Smithers Community Radio Society, Smithers Wrestling Club, BV Childcare Society, BV Community Foundation, Team Moricetown Boggers.
2011 Grant Results
In 2011, $137,200 was distributed amongst the following successful applicants.
Recipients include Steelhead Society of BC(Northern Branch), BV Hospice Society, Smithers Community Services Association, Smithers & Area Recycling Society, Smithers Volunteer Ski Patrol (Canadian Ski Patrol System), BV Child Development Centre (BVCDC) Society, Bulkley Valley Historical & Museum Society, Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the Downtown Gateway Committee, HIGH ROAD Services Society, Friends of the Public Library, Smithers Motocross Association, BV Community Resources Board (BVCRB), Back Country Horsemen Society of BC-North West Chapter, BV Outdoor Recreation Society, Central Park Building Society, BV Otter Swim Club, Bulkley Valley Kinsman Club, Bulkley Valley Band Boosters, Bulkley Valley Agricultural and Industrial Association (BV Exhibition), Bulkley Back-country Ski Society, Bulkley Valley Backpackers Society, Bulkley Valley Bowmen, BV Senior Co-housing/Driftwood Foundation Society, Smithers Curling Club - Junior Program, North West Guide Outfitters and BV Rod & Gun Club, Smithers Mountain Bike Association.
2010 Grant Results
In 2010, $120,000 was distributed amongst the following successful applicants.
Recipients include High Road Services Society, BV Search and Rescue, Smithers Community Services Association, GO2 Careshare, Smithers & Area Recycling Society, Bulkley Valley Classical Strings Society,Positive Living North, Bulkley Valley Cross Country Ski Club, BV Research centre, BV Exhibition, Treehouse Housing Association, NWCC - School of Exploration & Mining, BV Backpackers Society, Smithers Volunteer Ski Patrol, Telkwa Museum Society, Bulkley Valley Kinsmen Club, The BV Child Development Centre, The Grendel Group, Round Lake Community Association, BV Outdoor Recreation Society, Smithers Bridging Committee, Office of the Wet'suwet'en, Moricetown Band, Smithers Community Radio Society, Central Park Building Society, One Sky - Canadian Institute of Sustainable Living, Bulkley Valley Athletics Society, Valley Youth Fiddlers, Smithers Figure Skating Club
2009 Grant Results
In 2009, $90,000 was distributed amongst the following successful applicants.
Recipients include the B.V. Brain Injury Association, B.V. Child Care Society, B.V. Research Centre, the Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre, the Friends of the Smithers Public LIbrary, the Moricetown Band Council, the Noble Spirit Equine Learning Centre Society, The Northern Society for Domestic Peace, the Office of the Wet’suwet’en, the Smithers Alpine Rotary Club, the Smithers Art Gallery, the Smithers Community Services Association, and the Smithers District Chamber of Commerce/Lions Club.
$30,000 was reserved for groups with operations within the forests’ boundaries, and include the Cross Country Ski Club, the Community Forest Society, the B.V. Backpackers Society, and the Smithers Ski Club.