2025 Grant Program Application

Call for Applications

Wetzin’kwa is seeking applications for the 2025 Community Grant Program.

The Community Grant Program was established to distribute profits from the operation of the Wetzin’kwa Community Forest tenure back into the community. The program’s objective is to provide support for a broad range of projects and initiatives that will return the greatest long-term benefit to Bulkley Valley residents.

The deadline for application intake is May 25, 2025 at 11:59PM

Final Board decisions regarding successful grant applications will be available July 2025.


To qualify, proposals must be for activities carried out in the Witset, Smithers and Telkwa area by secular, not-for-profit organizations or registered charities. Grant funding may be applied to capital expenditures, staffing costs, purchases including GST and/or program planning.

The project or one or more phases of a project should be completed by June 15th of the following year.

Grant Application Categories:

Wetzin’kwa’s Board of Directors have established the following categories:

  1. Arts & Culture

  2. Recreation

  3. Environment, Conservation & Natural Resource Management

  4. Social Services

  5. Community Economic Development

  6. Application Preparation Guidelines

Download the 2025 application form HERE. All applications must conform to the preparation guidelines provided on the Wetzin’kwa website.

WCFC recognizes employment creation and economic activity generated by the annual Community Grant Program will help in the overall economic recovery and has chosen to allow for an emphasis on young worker employment creation as an additional consideration during the grant review process that will occur in June. 

Grant Applicants hiring Summer Students are encouraged to view Canada Summer Jobs 2025 - Canada.ca

For further information please:
Email: general@wetzinkwa.ca / Phone: 250-847-3680 

Successful Applicants will be asked to sign a Contract.

Submitting an Application

To facilitate the efficient review of applications and eliminate the amount of paper required in the process, Wetzin'kwa Community Forest Corp. requires all Community Grant Program applications be submitted in an electronic/digital format to general@wetzinkwa.ca 

We will always confirm back by email the Application submission.

Grant Writing Services

Grant writing services are often available through Municipalities and Regional Districts in your area.
Please contact the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako or Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine, Village of Telkwa and Witset First Nation, for availability of grant writing services. 

Grant Application Helpful Tips and Hints 

 Your organization’ s grant application should answer 6 basic questions clearly and concisely.

WHAT? Answer this in “Project Objectives” field.

WHY? Answer this in “Project Rationale” and “Community Benefit” fields.

WHEN? Answer this in “Project start date and timeline” and “Phases of the project fields”.

WHERE? Answer this in “Location of the project” field.

HOW MUCH? Answer this in the budget section of the grant application.

WHO?  Answer this in “Applicant and Contact Information” and “Project Partners” field. The “Project Partners” field demonstrates the support and interest within the community. The possibility of leveraging other funding with the Wetzin'kwa requested funds will contribute ultimately to the objectives of the Wetzin'kwa grant program. Attach any Letters of support from your Project Partners to the grant application and fill-in the “Letters of support” section of the grant application.

The “Project summary” field should summarize all your answers to WHAT, WHY, WHEN, WHERE and WHO by using only 1,000 characters. This field is the introduction of your entire project.

Applications should be clear and concise with necessary letters of support, quotes, authorizations and permissions attached.




Budget section of the grant application

Remember to be as detailed as possible in the financial planning of your project. Include all in-kind contributions as this demonstrates a well-planned project, community support and engagement.

Human Resources:

Include all human resource costs for staff, volunteers, students etc. carrying out the project activities using unit/costs structure.

Materials, Supplies and Equipment:

Include all planned and expected purchases as material costs, supplies and equipment.

Projects which include purchases over $10,000 MUST provide quote(s) to ensure budget justification.

GST is eligible for funding and should be included in the totals requested.

Other incl. communication and outreach plan cost

Include here any other costs which are not directly connected to the project activities such as communication and outreach planning, communication and outreach plan costs, meeting costs etc.