Grant Program
The Community Grant Program was established to distribute profits from the operation of the Wetzin’kwa Community Forest tenure back into the community. The program’s objective is to provide support for a broad range of projects and initiatives that will generate the greatest long-term benefits to Bulkley Valley residents.
In order to qualify, proposals must be for activities carried out in the Witset, Smithers and Telkwa area by secular, not-for-profit organizations or registered charities. Grant funding may be applied to capital expenditures, staffing costs and/or program planning.
Wetzin`kwa`s board of directors has established the following categories:
Arts and Culture
Environment, Conservation, and Natural Resource Management
Social Services
Community Economic Development
Each spring, advertisements are posted in the local paper, on our website, and on our social media pages indicating that the annual intake period has commenced. Grant applications are received up to May 31st.
Grant reviews are conducted by the board following a regimented process that culminates in an all-day meeting during the third week of June.
The grant review and award process is a time consuming affair that is not taken lightly by the Board of Directors. The grant applications received always exceed the annual budget available making final decision around grant awards an extremely difficult process to adjudicate.
Legacy Planning
WCFC has established a Legacy Fund intended to ensure the community grant program is sustainable even in years where limited or no harvesting has occurred. Over the last decade it has been exciting watching the grant program successes. The Board believes very strongly in the social benefits of this key program of WCFC.

Wetzin’kwa Community Grant Program Video
Check out our Video Gallery page to see more videos from Wetzin’kwa Community Forest Corporation!