Wetzin’kwa News

National Forest Week September 17-23, 2023
This year´s National Forest Week theme is Canada´s Forest: Supporting Biological Diversity.

Grant Day 2023
Can’ t wait for the results of the awesome projects supported by Wetzin’kwa’ s Grant program in 2023.

WCFC’s Wildfire Risk Reduction Project added to the Canadian Map of Adaptation Actions.
Wetzin’kwa Wildfire Risk Reduction Plan is on the Map of Adaptation Actions which is one of the public outcome of the expert Canada in a Changing Climate platform.

Goshawk nest near Dennis Lake
A presence of the Interior Northern Goshawks near Dennis Lake in Bulkey Valley means a presence of a mature and old growth forests.

Wetzin’kwa Community Forest earns the Robin Hood Award
In 2022, the Wetzin’kwa Community Forest was the recipient of the Robin Hood Award, along with a $10,000 grant, presented by the Honorable Katrine Conroy, Minister of Forests.

Request for Qualifications: Stand Modification Services for Wildfire Risk Reduction
WCFC is seeking applications from qualified contractors to provide stand modification services for the purposes of Wildfire Risk Reduction (WRR).

Contractors Wanted: Harvest Residue Disposal Program
WCFC wishes to explore opportunities to dispose of harvesting residue utilizing alternatives to open burning. To this end WCFC is looking to engage with contractors who may own air curtain burners, biochar creation systems or alternate solutions to open burning.