Photo Gallery

Wetzin'kwa's Board of Directors hold a COVID-19 friendly meeting outdoors.

Did you know Twin Falls Recreation Site is in the Wetzin'kwa Community Forest? An ice climber enjoys the climbing on Twin Falls Left.

The Silvern Gathering Shelter on McDonell Lake FSR was built by Wetzin'kwa in partnership with The Office of the Wet'suwet'en. The shelter makes a great place for a summer picnic, rain or shine!

Mountain biking is one of the many recreational activities found within the Wetzin'kwa Community Forest tenure.

Wetzin'kwa is planting small quantities of Western Larch on an experimental basis in an effort to accommodate a changing climate. This Larch is happily growing in a plantation at the start of the McDonell Lake FSR!

Dennis Lake Recreation site is within the Wetzin'kwa Community Forest tenure and is a very popular place to enjoy summer camping, canoeing and fishing.
Wetzin'kwa collaborates with local government to mitigate wildfire fuel loading in harvested stands, paying special attention to areas close to communities and infrastructure.