Wetzin´kwa´s 2023
National Forest Week Hunt
had 55 submissions and over 70 participants.
Lucky winners got $1000 in prize draws from local businesses.
Thank you everyone for your creative submissions and great job solving the clues!

The hunt begins at 9:00AM
Sunday September 17th, 2023!
The Wetzin’kwa Community Forest Corporation
has hidden FIVE golden tokens
throughout the community forest and Smithers area.
Can you solve the riddle clues and find them?
Token hunters will be entered into a draw
with over $1000 in prizes from local merchants!
That’s right folks! Wetzin’kwa Community Forest Corporation is celebrating National Forestry Week this year by challenging young and old treasure hunters alike to locate the five golden tokens hidden within the Wetzin’kwa Community Forest.
Contest Instructions:
1: Solve the riddle clues posted below to determine the token locations...
2: Go find the token hiding in the field (walk, bike, hike, drive, etc.)…
Note: some locations will be a bit more effort (e.g. a hike) than others (e.g. you can park beside it).
3: Take your photo with it (or kids, or dog, etc.) to prove you found it!
(Repeat steps 2 and 3 to find as many tokens as you can)
4: Email your photo(s) to general@wetzinkwa.ca including your name and contact information OR post it to your Instagram and tag us #wetzinkwagold Entries must be received before midnight (PST) on September 24th, 2023.
Note: If you couldn’t find some of the clues but know where they are, be sure to also send us your location guesses to be entered in a separate draw!
5: Each successfully located clue gives you one entry into a draw to win 1 of 10 $50 gift cards to local merchants! Plus, we have additional prizes…read on!
Prize draw, you say?
1 of 10 $50 gift cards
This year’s bonus prizes were generously donated by Local Supply Company,
Outdoor Essentials, Smithers Brewing Company, , Bloom Esthetics, McBike & Sport, Smithers Feed Store,
Home Hardware, Bugwood Coffee, Roadhouse, Oscars Fly & Tackle & ReJar Zero Waste!
Photo with each token found = 1 draw prize entry
— PLUS —
$250 gift card grand prize draw
For participants who successfully find all five golden tokens.
Gift card to a local merchant of the winner’s choice!
1 of 2 $100 gift card awards
1 - For most creative photo (as chosen by the WCFC Board of Directors)
1 - For best costume in photo (as chosen by the WCFC Board of Directors)
Gift card to a local merchant of the winner’s choice!
$50 gift card bonus prize draw
For participants that can correctly tell us where tokens
are located, but are unable to go find them in the field!
Each riddle correctly solved = 1 bonus prize draw entry
Gift card to a local merchant of the winner’s choice!
Scroll down to the bottom of this page and use the provided web form to enter
or email general@wetzinkwa.ca
Prize draw winners will be announced the week of October 10th, 2023
Ready for riddles?
Tokens will be in place and ready to hunt from
Sunday September 17th at 9:00AM
until Sunday, September 24th at midnight.
(…no early hunting please!)
Clue #1:
A perfect location to start your adventure,
You can grab a coffee or a beverage before your departure.
A walk through downtown Smithers is a good place to start,
To find a painting by Raven Tacuara, a beautiful peice of art.
Clue #2:
This path is a road bikers dream,
A good place to cycle along Highway 16!
To get this token you must have the will,
begin on the switchbacks and up the hill.
Clue #3:
This clue might be Childs Play or it might put you off course,
After hootin’ and hollerin’ your voice might be hoarse.
At first this clue might sound a bit tough,
But if you are lost you can look to the bluff.
A ride through the woods you will find a bikers play ground.
Pass an old bus and the next Golden Token will be found.
Clue #4:
From the glacier and down the mountain,
the two become one- much like a fountain.
Tucked in the Hemlock, its an excellent place for lunch,
You'll pass a lake if you have a good hunch.
Clue #5:
It may not be the season to downhill ski,
But if it was this is the place where you would find me!
Where the road ends and the trail begins,
First one to the bottom green “T” wins!
Please make sure to be aware of current industrial activity on Hudson Bay Mountain Road and the McDonnell FSR, especially during daytime weekday hours.
Take yours and other resource road users safety very seriously please. The community forest is comprised of many high traffic industrial roads and requires users to use extra caution to navigate. Take your time and enjoy the adventure while driving to road conditions!
Contest Rules:
Some basic guiding principles of play are as follows:
1) Take yours and other resource road users safety very seriously please. The community forest is comprised of many high traffic industrial roads and requires users to use extra caution to navigate. Take your time and enjoy the adventure while driving to road conditions.
2) We expect golden tokens to be located in popular locations, so perhaps plan a picnic lunch and make a day out of this interesting scavenger hunt! Please remember however to pack out what you take in. A natural environment full of trash does not make for an enjoyable experience for anyone.
3) On your adventure you may find yourself away from a road on some uneven terrain. Please plan to have appropriate footwear and clothing in case the weather is adverse and terrain is uneven or slippery.
4) Always have a travel plan when entering the back country and let someone know about it. Have a check in system in place and ensure you follow it. An unexpected vehicle breakdown, ankle sprain or wildlife encounter (please read up on bear aware tactics and follow them before embarking on your treasure hunt) could result in significant delays in your trip and it will be nice to know that someone will be looking for your return and be prepared to offer assistance if you are late checking in. Not all locations within the community forest have cell phone coverage so make sure you are fully prepared for your backcountry adventure.
5) Now that you have taken the time to be sure you have planned a safe and fun outing please ensure you respect others desire to participate in the adventure. If you locate a golden token please leave it where you found it and do not attempt to remove, hide or damage it so that others can enjoy the treasure hunt. Please report to 250-847-3680 if a token is missing or damaged.
6) Field participation is not required! Too far away from the community forest? No time? Weather too ugly to attempt? Mobility concerns? You can still participate in the contest by entering the bonus prize draw! Use the web form below to tell us where you think the tokens are located. Each successful riddle solved will give one entry to a bonus prize draw for a $50 gift card to a merchant of your choice!
7) Maximum one gift card prize per participant. The order of prize draw/awards will be as follows:
Grand prize draw ($250 to a local merchant of the winner’s choice)
Most creative photo ($100)
Best costume ($100)
General prize draw (10 x $50 gift cards = $500 total)
Bonus prize draw for online entries ($50) *Must be from Village of Telkwa, Witset First Nation, or Town of Smithers (and surrounding areas) to be eligible for the online draw.
Participants have two weeks to provide a mailing address or pickup their prize (Silvicon Services office).
We wish you all good luck in the hunt for our hidden tokens. Play safe, have fun and be respectful of the environment. We look forward to receiving your contest entries!
Helpful links:
Printer-friendly instructions, rules and riddle clues:
No time to hunt?
Out of town? Weather too ugly?
No worries! You can still participate and enter to win. Here’s how:
Use the form found here to tell us where you think the tokens are located. Each correctly solved clue/token location will give you one entry to a separate draw for a $50 gift card to a local merchant of your choice! (e.g. 5 correct locations = 5 entries to the draw)
Contest closes September 24th, 2023 at midnight (PST). The draw prize winner will be notified by email of the week of October 10th, 2023.
Please note: only residents of Smithers, Telkwa, and Witset (and general surrounding area) are eligible.
Questions? Send us an email at general@wetzinkwa.ca