Welcome to the Wetzin’kwa Community Forest.
A community forest
Is an area-based forest tenure awarded by government to communities to enhance their local control over forest management. Community forests create local jobs and keep profits within the community.

The Wetzin’kwa Community Forest Corporation
Or in its abbreviated forms, Wetzin’kwa or WCFC, is the licensee responsible for managing the community forest tenure jointly held by the Town of Smithers and the Village of Telkwa, in partnership with the Office of the Wet’suwet’en.
A seven-person volunteer board
Is responsible for the governance of Wetzin'kwa: three permanent board positions and four directors at large (nominated from community for three-year terms). Permanent positions include representatives from the Town of Smithers, the Village of Telkwa and the Office of the Wet’suwet’en.

Wetzin’kwa is located
West of the Town of Smithers,
Northwest of the Village of Telkwa and,
South of the Village of Witset
Wetzin’kwa Core Values